possible Rails Around Missouri reprint!




Over the last year, I’ve received a lot of inquiries about the availability of the original, hard cover Rails Around Missouri, where one can find a copy, will it be reprinted, claims that a lot of folks still want a copy. After the most recent round of these calls, I’ve decided to explore a reprint of the original hard cover book. It would be $45 retail, and would be the Frisco cover only. (If you have a KCS cover, keep it under guard!) If you are interested in obtaining a copy of this popular book in hard cover, please visit the Rails Around Missouri Facebook page, then Like and Share it. This will give me a good gauge of how many copies to print. Minimum is 1000 copies.


If the hard cover book is reprinted, the 2-volume soft cover currently available on amazon.com will be discontinued. Check back for updates!

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