With 224 pages filled with maps, history and all-color photographs, “Rails Around Missouri” takes you back to a time when the railroads had unique identities, passed through backwoods towns, and carried mail & passengers to and from the big cities. Over 500 photographs help cover the state from north to south, east to west, dating from the late 1940s to the early 1980s. As a bonus, the book is available with 2 different covers to pay tribute to the state’s rich railroad heritage.
The photographers who contributed include: Ken Albrecht, Charlie Childs, Joe Collias, Paul Dalman, Ken Donnelly, Tony Fey, Lance Garrels, Tom Gildersleeve, Ed Gray, Chris Guss, Mike Haper, Ed Hawkins, Dale Hearn, Bill Keene, Michael J Kelly, Bob King, Jan Kohl, Allen Maty, Jerry Michels, Rick Morgan, Scott Muskopf, Arthur Myracle, George Nelson, Mark & Mike Nelson, Terry & Joyce Norton, Robert Plough, Gary Roe, Leon Sapp, Daniel Schroeder, Greg Stout, George Strombeck, Larry Thomas, Bill Wehmeier, JD Yoder, Lee Yoder.
The first run, hard cover edition is sold out. HOWEVER, a 2nd run is available. It is hard-cover, image-bound, just like the first run. I have 12 copies onhand for Christmas. The book can be ordered below for $50, including shipping, and autographed by me.
To purchase a copy, contact Michael directly: atsf101@hotmail.com
We are railfans living in Spokane, MO and use Amtrak from Kansas City, St. Louis, Little Rock, etc. to take us to places where we can see more trains. We ride the Branson Scenic Railway dinner train twice a year, the first one and then the last one, to fill in our love of trains. I purchased this book at the book-
store in the train station. We are wondering if the station pictured on page 220 dated 1981 is this current station but raised or a different station. We are both enjoying your book very much.
Thank you, Jill