RAILS AROUND MISSOURI IS HEADED BACK TO PRINT IN HARD COVER! In an agreement with Britegraphix of Ft Scott, Kansas, a second hard-cover run of Rails Around Missouri will be available by Thanksgiving 2015! At the publisher’s request, the book will feature a new cover, but will have the exact same look, feel, and content of the 2013 production run. Retailing for $59.95, the book contains over 500 all-color photos from every part of the state, featuring lines and locations that no longer exist. If you missed out in 2013, don’t miss out now! Books should begin shipping around Thanksgiving 2015, just in time for Christmas.
The book can be ordered in several ways:
1- using the link below, your copy will come signed by the author
2- either by phone or postal mail from the publisher: Britegraphix, PO Box 631, Ft Scott, KS 66701, phone 620 664-7014
3- inquire at your local hobby shop. Many in Missouri carried the book in 2013.
4- at train shows attended by SEK Hobbies. If the show is in KC or STL, the author may be on hand to sign copies. Stay tuned here for those dates.
As FYI – a true sequel is being considered. If you have pre-1980 material, especially pre-Amtrak passenger action, please contact me!