For years the Wabash operated a mixed train as many as 3 times a day each way between Columbia, MO and Centralia, and connection there to the STL-KC mainline. N&W continued to run this train once a day after the 1964 merger, and it is seen here in Centralia in 1967. GP7 2446 is formerly NKP 446. More details to come in “Rails Around Missouri”, due out 2012. Photo by Charlie Childs

July 2011 ‘Rails’ update: Paul Dalman has sent in some of the sharpest, clearest images I have seen in the 6 months I have been searching for Missouri slides. Above, a mixed set of units, led by geep 1680, U30C 3304, and an unidentifiable SD40 power a short ore train on the MPs Pea Ridge branch near Potosi on 11-2-76. This branch left the DeSoto sub at Cadet running roughly 27 miles northwest, passing near Potosi on the way to Pea Ridge and the iron ore mines in that area.
Finding slides of the MPs DeSoto sub have proven challenging. Being very rural and even back-woods, not many photographers ventured much down this line. Pressing on, I am looking for anyone who did shoot this subdivision prior to UP taking over. Any shots of DeSoto, Cadet, Mineral Point, Irondale, Bismark, Arcadia-Ironton, TipTop, Glover, Annapolis, Piedmont, Williamsville and Poplar Bluff. Passenger (Amtrak or MP), freight, locals, depots, anything but a bland roster shot.
If you can help, I can be reached @ 314 809-9310 or

Update: as of this past weekend, I’ve scanned over 350 slides for Rails Around Missouri. Not all will make the cut, of course, and I still have a few significant gaps in coverage when looking at the state map. Rock Island’s line to MN and the west end of the STL line, Katy SW of Sedalia and east of Franklin to Defiance, Milwaukee anywhere, CBQ/BN north/northeast of KC, MP & Frisco south of STL to SEMO, MP’s White River line to Branson, Frisco’s KC-Arkansas line, KCS south of Grandview, and MP’s 2 lines west of Jefferson City. Contact me for more info: 314 809-9310 or
“Rails Around Missouri” update, March 2011:
Slides are streaming in here @ KG headquarters in Ballwin. Over 200 slides have been scanned and returned already, but most are from eastern Missouri, with most of those within a 50 mile radius of St Louis, plus a good amount from Rolla.
What is still needed are slides from mid and western Missouri, especially the greater KC area. Other areas include the MP and Frisco lines south of St Louis to SE Missouri, the CB&Q in northern MO, KCS other than Neosho, Rock Island west of Union, and most of the ATSF mainline.
Many thanks go to contributors whose slides have already been scanned and returned: Ed Hawkins, Scott Muskopf, Mike Wise, Paul Dalman, Dan Schroeder, Gary Roe, Michael J Kelly, plus slides from Dick Wallin and Bill Wylde, courtesy of the collection of a dear friend, the late Camille F Chappuis.
If you have slides from any of the above mentioned needs, please contact me @ 314 809-9310 or